100-DAY-POETRY-CHALLENGE - Winlade Israel

This is a 100-day-Poetry write up that will be done for hundred days by Winlade Israel. Read below for awesome poetry!


Day 1;

The joyous nightingale that secures happiness
Sang a hym of Jabesh
And laughter hid in the face of Isaac

How dare I sing the song of hope
And sway to the tune of victory
Spoofing celestial beings who sing "hallelujah"
When my soil is barren of fruits
And my hope withers like dry leaves?

Messiahs have journeyed from Gomorrah
And Moses from Sodom to bring my people out of Egypt
To occupy the long desired  honey land of promise

Laughter over tears, they promised
Plenty over famine, they echoed
To buy the heart of men and secure the sceptre of power

We revered their benevolence with pride
And chanted their eulogy on our street
But now...
Hunger has taken over our table
And our road filled with empty stomachs
Shuffling their legs on the street like Israelites in the wilderness

Who made us believe these Messiahs of desolation
And Moses of famine who rescued us from Egypt
To this fertile desert of hunger?


Day two;

When cloud pours out water
And the soil drinks it up
We eat, we dance and merry
When the sun makes her face shine over earth
All corners of the earth receive light
Eyes admire the dangling boobs on the street
And unclad thighs dancing in club

But when the cloud soaks the earth in water
Houses fall, men die and men mourn men
When the heat of the sun hits our soil
And causes leaves to wither
With no fruit for the stomach of men
We cry hunger and our grimes rise to heaven
Like smoke of a fragrant offering

Fate is the determinant of life
With her smiling and raging face
She decides the hand to extend to any land
She shows you her benevolence today
Tomorrow you live to feed on her malevolence
We rise against all odds
With tenacious spirit to conquer
But fate is the vindicator


Day three;

Welcome to today of shattered dream
Withered hope and stung joy
Days before yesterday
When tales were counted at moonlight
And grandma had all her grandchildren dot her compound
Tam! Tam!! Tam!!!
The drum gave rhythm of joy and frolic laughter
Peace reigned and men slept peacefully
Until Whites came in their caravan of slavery
And silence hit the drum
And joy departed till our warriors stood sternly
Sternly to pursue, get and recover the long stolen liberty
Stolen by foreign marauders that dwelt on our soil
Tam! Tam!! Tam!!!
The drum shouted joy
And shackles of slavery broke from our legs
Then came yesterday
The yesterday pregnant of hope
And a blazing dream to fulfill
Yesterday shattered today
And tomorrow is weeping for her ruin

The headmaster told me when I stepped my feet
With mum keeping my company in kindergarten
That I'm the hope of tomorrow
But, tomorrow is dilly-dallying
And the sun of yesterday has refused to set at dusk

When will tomorrow cast today out to the valley of death
For our sun to shine?


Day four;

Your dangling butt makes men mad
Mouths open and close in awe when you shuffle on the street
To lick the lips that taste no taste

Your curvy hips in the skirt flying above your knees
Revealing the fresh-looking figure of your thighs
Make you irresistible to be devoured by men
And send signal to the pendulum in their trousers
To get up for action

Your puffy boobs sardined in your brassiere
Draw men to sit at your table to taste
Of the pleasure hidden in your dazzling backside
And suck child's food from your ever tempting bosom

No wonder the road between your thighs is broad like an highway
It is a way leading to ephemeral pleasure
And many are they who find it

I pity your crown veiled by the future
Why don't you save him from drowning
When consummating his bride
By locking up your thighs like your cellphone?


Day five;

Bitter cry announces a new life
Frolic laughter welcomes her
And inexorable death stands afar off
When distress befalls her as she sails through life
To be her messiah

"Death is wicked," friends say
But, Mama says he kisses his victims at forehead
To save their dying spirit beckoning for his service
She said he's the savior from shame
For when shame gathers like cloud
Death comes and annul its rain

As we live, we die
As we die, we live
Baby cries to the world
Men of the world bid him bye with cry
Death takes life and gives life
For he is a door feared by all
To the world free of war

Men say life is full of emptiness
It is filled with vanity as water fills the sea, they mutter
But, life is not a vacuum to be filled
And neither is it a vanity being chased like shadow
It is filled with struggle- a struggle for survival
A survival from life to death and death to life
"Where does struggle stop?" asked Alani
And I answered; "it stops after the life after death
When death will kill death
To take away his sting!"

_for pa. Winlade Samson_

Tomorrow, Check later for next one !


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