
Showing posts from June, 2018

Happy Eid-el-Fitr Celebration

EJIGBO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION OAU CHAPTER We thank God that let us pass this period of Ramadan successfully. We wish all our members, especially the Muslims, a cool festive period. We pray that we celebrate in harmony, peace, sharing and love, not likely to disunite but promote coexistence between all worshippers for it is believed we all worship a GOD in different manners. Also, we pray God (Allah) the beneficent & the merciful to shower his blessings and mercies upon us and accept all our prayers for his guidance won't lead us astray. (Ameen) Furthermore, we urge ourselves to imbibe accommodating culture to accept and tolerate other worshippers whom are not in one's faith as it's not proper to segregate and only God has the power to judge all. Finally, we thank you for your supports and we urge you to continue supporting & guiding us at all times. And with God, we won't deceive you.  Eid-el-Fitr Mubaraq Signed; G

Appreciation! Appreciation!! Appreciation!!!

*EJIGBO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION* *OAU CHAPTER* We greet all our noble members of this precious association. We appreciate the presences of all our members either Freshmen or stallites who came to the Freshmen orientation event which held on Saturday, 9th of June 2018 @Law 205. Also, we greet all our staff advisers, those present and not, especially Dr. Osunniran Tajudeen whom honoured our invitation and gave us a lecture on "how to combine extracurricular activities with Academics. Additionally, we thank all our sponsors, grand patron, patron Prof. Owolarafe for their endless support to the association. Furthermore, we thank everyone who made the program a successful one and pray that God the Almighty bless you abundantly. Finally, we implore you to support us at all time, direct us whenever we go offtrack, finance us whenever lacking. May God lead us!  *Aluta Continua!!* *Victoria Ascerta!!!* Signed; Ganiyu Ayanniyi M. (TheLucky),  *P

Photos: President Buhari hosts Small Doctor, Sound Sultan, youths, artistes

President Muhammadu Buhari hosted Ali Jita, Temitope Adekunle (Small Doctor), Olanrewaju Fasasi (Sound Sultan) and other youths and artistes during the breaking of Ramadan fast at the State House.